Open House NYC: An Old Convent Turned Luxury Home
On June 18th, NBC's Open House NYC featured Patrick Lilly and 38 Prince Street on historic Prince Street. Patrick toured viewers through...

Home for Home: House 2 Update
The Patrick Lilly Team is thrilled to announce the completion of a second home in Sumpango, Guatemala. The Estrada Asturias Family had...

What Trump Means for the Real Estate Market
Boomer Foster, President of Long & Foster, and Patrick discuss what a Trump presidency will probably look like for the real estate market...

Hunts Point Alliance for Children
The HPAC serves families living in one of the nation's poorest neighborhoods to prepare students for educational success from birth to...

The Rocky Horror Picture Show LIVE
Watch as Patrick speaks with the directors of The Rocky Horror Picture Show LIVE in Chelsea, every Friday and Saturday night.

Felix Restaurant & Bar
On the corner of Grand and West Broadway lies Felix Restaurant & Bar, a fixture in SoHo for over 21 years.

The Norwood Club
Come along as Patrick visits the Norwood Club in Chelsea. The Norwood Club is a private club located in the Chelsea neighborhood of...

Wafels & Dinges
Wafels & Dinges has conquered the hearts, smiles and appetites of New Yorkers with its bright yellow waffle-trucks and carts driving...

Patrick Sits Down with Architect Tom Gluck
Earlier this year, Patrick had the pleasure of sitting down with Tom Gluck of GLUCK+.